Co-founder Phil certainly didn’t know Beau when he was an 8-year-old kid sprinting down the street in tears, running away from a chasing dog… that probably just wanted to play.
He also didn’t know Beau when, soon after he rescued* his dog Bailey (Beau Tyler’s other co-founder), he was heard to have said “I want him to sleep in the bed with me, but what if he bites me in the middle of the night?!”
*rescued from an ex-girlfriend!
(He did not bite Phil in the middle of the night)
But it was Bailey who inspired and, of course together with Phil, created the idea of Beau.
Beau Tyler was born out of love, heart, charm…and a little sarcasm. He said hello to the world with Bow Ties Greeting Cards, but it soon became clear that he commanded a spotlight all his own.
Beau Tyler is a rock star.
Beau Tyler is a sweetheart.
Beau Tyler is a cheeky son of a gun.
Beau Tyler will give you the shirt off his back and make you laugh.
Beau Tyler is a sly dog.
Beau Tyler respects everyone.
Beau Tyler swings with Sinatra.
Beau Tyler wants to inspire the world… or take a nap.
Beau Tyler looks dressed up when dressed down.
Beau Tyler helps those who need it.
Beau Tyler will eat all the leftover sushi.
Beau ties people together.
Beau Tyler & the Sly Dog Co. is a companion brand. It’s style for good-hearted people. (And good-hearted pets.)
Not since the Benetton craze of 1985 has there been a brand expected to take the world by storm, to be so in demand, to be so obsession-worthy, so deeply beloved as this! (Beau Tyler can also be guilty of slight embellishment from time to time.)
So get to know Beau.
Share the fun, make friends, pal around, be funny, pet something…and #GetBeauTyzed!

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